Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Blow Me!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
G.O.A.T. George Carlin (RIP)
[This goes out to Hayden Panettiere and the like.]
[This goes out to my bro.]
I know this is a music blog, but I had to post this considering one of the best stand up comics of all time recently died. To me, he is up there with Chris Rock, Andy Kaufman, Dave Chapelle, Eddie Murphy, Jerry Sienfeld, Joe Rogan, and Zach Galifianakis.
I'm sure God is cracking up right now with all of Carlin's truthful observations, he probably co-wrote some them.

Common done lost his mind. I was listening to this song today and I almost ate it hard on the sidewalk cuz the lyrics caught me off guard.
Freakshow on the dancefloor is that you I smell?
Imma give that ass some room
Better yet, let's fuck in the bathroom
If we have room it's a full moon
I heard this cut came out in 2000 and yeah I know, the production is catchy BUT STILL... it's Common for gods sakes. As in I rhyme to Retrospect for Life, The Light, Love of my Life, and Used to Love H.E.R. Common Sense. You with me on this one or do you have a different opinion?
[MP3] Common ft. Armand Van Helden :: Full Moon
Blah humbug. Here's an ode to hip hop machismo, lest we forget.
[MP3] Jemeni :: No More Dating DJ's
...solemnly swears never to date anymore DJ's, emcees, spoken word artists, producers or hip hop critics.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
RIP Mr. M.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
No Rhyme No Reason

So I've been trying to think of what to post up on this site, and at the same time I'm looking at what I'm listening to, and really, there isn't a whole lot of consistency in my music taste. I'm sure it's probably like that for most people - what we listen to is determined by our mood, our environment, our company, the weather, or what's going on in our basically, I'm giving up on trying to unite my posts with some sort of theme and instead, here's a few of my favorite songs that I'm listening to right now, some old, some new, some bangers, and some downers. Just like life, right?
[MP3] Nas :: Hero
On paper, this is a song I should hate - overproduced (R&B backup vocals, guys barking in the background), with beats by Polow da Don (who produced for Will Smith, Pussycat Dolls, and Fergie), and egotistical rhymes (yeah I know it's Nas and it is hip hop, but still). Not only that, but I was disappointed Nas bowed to corporate pressure in changing the name of his album. Despite all this, and this may be saying a lot about the song- I still like it - the heavy kick drums, the air raid siren, and the synthesizer create a grandiose banger of a lead single that I'm sure will get plenty of airplay that's palatable enough for the hip hop heads.
[MP3] Leaders of the New School :: A Quarter to Cutthroat
Awwww yeah...LONS takes it back for me, I love these posse cuts, and maybe with the exception of the Wu, I don't know too many other crews who can do it like this. It's too bad you don't hear joints like these anymore - I think today's emcees have too big of an ego to be sharing the stage equally with others, which is a damn shame because really, these crew cuts have an energy that can't be replicated by just one or two emcees, no matter how tight that beat is. Here's to that good ol' boom bap - this one can start a riot.
[MP3] Mavis Staples :: What Happened to the Real Me
If you ever want to hear the sound of defeat, this song just might be it. Released in 1970 on the Stax label, this is no doubt my favorite song by Mavis - the production is beautiful and lush, and the vocals and lyrics so raw, it's hard not be moved.
[MP3] Flying Lotus :: Tea Leaf Dancers
I have to thank our newest blogger, //_interrrupt3dsoul for bringing my attention to this one - damn this is really on some other tip. Tea Leaf Dancers is the type of song you where you gotta call up Johnny Blaze before you listen, and then you close your eyes and you're in another world. Ethereal and sublime, this song will haunt you.
[MP3] Weezer :: The Angel and the One
Of all the songs I put up, this is what I've been listening to most lately. Weezer takes a step back from the fuzzy anthems to create a song that slowly builds over 2 minutes to a warm crescendo...I'm not even sure what the song is about, but somehow, I'm hooked.
|bruce banner|
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
The Four Seasons Group- BEGGIN'
[MP3] Madcon :: Beggin'
put your lovin hands up darlin`..
Monday, June 16, 2008

Putting P.I.C.'s sound into words is no easy task, but perhaps they say it best with the title of their debut album, "hiphopunkfunkmamboska" - although you might want to throw in big band jazz somewhere in there too, and you'd still be lacking in descriptives. All that aside, I love their sound - it's big, brassy, and straight infectious with upbeat, smooth emceeing. P.I.C. is one of those bands who you just hear and you knowww they could turn a party out. I've also been impressed with their DIY music videos that always come with creative concepts that easily put big budget videos to shame. In a time when hip hop seems strapped for freshness and imagination, P.I.C. bring it back in a new way in their 4th release, El Nova Hustle.
[MP3] P.I.C. :: Alnova Do That
[MP3] P.I.C. :: Hard Look Case
[MP3] P.I.C. :: Caramel Love
[Video] P.I.C. :: Fonzarelli (Arthur's Theme)
P.I.C.'s Site
El Nova Hustle on itunes
|bruce banner|
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Big Ideas: Don't Get Any (Radiohead Nude Remix)
Big Ideas (don't get any) from James Houston on Vimeo.
I know I know this is supposed to be a hip hop blog and all, and this video's been around for a minute, but in case you missed it, this ish is creativity on another level.
|bruce banner|
ps. thanks to smallcaps for sharing this one.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Lay It Down
If you haven't picked up Al Green's Lay It Down, produced by the Okayplayer crew, you are missing out! One of the best albums this year.
Friday, June 13, 2008
{Young MC and B-Real made my day.}
{What men are really like...sometimes.}
To my homeboy English T, thanks for sending me the Banksy art and emailing me about these clips.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Hip Hop Love

(Click on the tape for the mix)
If you've been checking out Getdownn for a minute now, you know that I love personal mixes and I have a special place for hip hop love songs. While I love my '90s R&B, that ish just gets too sappy and over the top sometimes, and hip hop love joints always strike a nice balance between the saccharine and the real. Not only that, it's a nice break from the tired posing and braggadocio of a lot of hip hop on the airwaves. That said, what could be better than a mix of my favorite hip hop love songs on my new obssession, Although it's somewhat of a pain to upload your own songs, and you're limited to 12 songs, I love the simplicity and aesthetics of the site, and somehow that picture of the cassette really brings it back for me.
While I really had to narrow down my list of favorites and even cut out the staples like I Used to Love H.E.R. and You Got Me, at the moment I'm really feelin' some of these lesser known tracks . If you don't check out any others, be sure to Real Love, Luv (Sic) Pt. 2, and Q-Tip's panty-droppin' classic Say Something for Me. I'd love to hear any suggestions you all might have, so if you've got any, hit me up in the comments.
|bruce banner|
Friday, June 06, 2008
We're Crazy...It's Been 2 Years
What a bunch of losers we are. This is our second year of blogging here at Getdownnn, so happy birthday to us. We've seen our crew grow and shrink and grow again. Hopefully you'll continue to check us out. We started with crazy and will continue to be crazy (you better believe we are going to play this crazy thing out!). Is doctashock still out there?
Time to start potty training.
-Getdownnn Crew-
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Long Over Due...RESPEK Vol. 4: Bo Diddley (RIP)
{Can you imagine JB and BD jammin' together in heaven!}
At first I wasn't going to do this post cause I figured everyone would be doing a tribute to the late great Bo Diddley, who just passed away this past Monday. But looking around at some of my favorite blogs and blogs that I really respect, I haven't seen anything on him...not a peep. Which I find pretty sad, considering that Bo Diddley is one of the baddest musicians this world has ever seen. An architect of rock n' roll and keeper of the blues, deserves his due. I was lucky enough to see him live, at a college buddy's prodding. To me, his live show really captures the magic that he had. Something that I will never forget.
[MP3] Bo Diddley :: Hey Jerome
[MP3] Bo Diddley :: Get Up, Get Down
{Bo knew that to get up, you had to Get Downnn.}
If you don't know Bo, you don't know Diddley.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Get on DowNNN!
{With the NBA Finals (GO LAKERS!), this Thursday will be tough. Thank goodness for Tivo!}
Monday, June 02, 2008
stimulated beats.
close your eyes and let the sound control the movement of your body..
feel that beat intensely hit right into your brain, making you move in so many different ways.
anyways, flying lotus aka steven ellison, based in the great city of LA is a dope ass hip hop crazed producer who totally hasn't been credited as much as he should be, or maybe he is, but i haven't really researched enough to know. his sounds are ranged from all different genres, but from what i've listened too, its mostly in the mix between jazz and a some dope electronica..being a great nephew of jazz legendaries john and alice coltrane, you'd understand why he's a dope producer. check him out and support his music.
hollerr at a playerr,